Member-only story
Everything Wrong with Trump, His Supporters, and the GOP in One Symbolic Picture
Hint: Putting one deeply flawed man and their regressive policies above America
I walk by a marina nearly every day and I’m always irritated by the few yachts that I see that are flying “Trump 2020” flags. I should take heart in the number of yachts and sailboats NOT flying the banner that supports the worse American to ever sit behind the desk in the Oval Office. But it’s hard to see the glass 1/2 or even 9/10 full when the threat to the world is so great.
Flying Trump’s flag above the U.S. flag should be an affront to all Americans. It’s symbolic of what patriotic citizens and non-citizens have tolerated for the last four years: a president and a political party that only has a minority of Americans’ support is running things…and running them badly by doing only what’s best for them, not what’s best for the country as a whole.
The How
How have Trump and the Republicans subverted the will of the people and democracy? By exploiting the flaws in our system (Electoral College, gerrymandering, etc.) along with lying, cheating, and abusing their ill-gotten power.
The Whys
Why do Trump and conservative Republicans lie, cheat, and abuse their power? It’s because…